Friday 31 August 2012

Side effects of omeprazole magnesium

Magnesium omeprazole is sold by prescription medication which is commonly used for the treatment of medical conditions associated with the stomach, esophagus and intestines. Magnesium omeprazole is classified as an inhibitor of the proton pump (abbreviated as IBP). There is also a version of this non-prescription medication available in stores, intended to treat heartburn. As with any medication, there are some side effects associated with the use of omeprazole magnesium.
Common Side Effects

There are several common side effects associated with the magnesium omeprazole. Cases of common side effects are generally considered minor, as they tend to disappear on their own as your body adjusts to the medication. However, if the side effects worsen or you may need to consult a doctor pearly penile info. These effects include dizziness, respiratory tract infections, back pain, head and abdominal, constipation and diarrhea.

Rare side effects

Some very rare side effects are possible when taking omeprazole magnesium. Those who experience rare side effects with the drug should seek medical attention as soon as possible. These side effects include changes in taste, loss of appetite, dry eyes, dry mouth, joint pain, muscle cramps, hair loss, weight gain, tinnitus, anemia, blurred vision, dry skin, dizziness, drowsiness and insomnia.

Serious Side Effects

There are also serious side effects of taking omeprazole magnesium. In these situations it is vital to seek medical attention as soon as possible. These potentially dangerous side effects include emotional and behavioral effects such as aggression, depression, agitation, confusion and disoriented.

Inflammation of the pancreas and liver damage

Signs of liver damage or inflammation of the pancreas are serious potential side effects of omeprazole magnesium pearly penile papules removal. Some signs of liver damage is severe pain in the upper right abdomen, yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes and darker urine. Some signs of inflammation of the pancreas are chills, fever, nausea, rapid pulse and severe pain in the upper stomach.

Allergic reactions

Allergic reactions are also serious potential side effects of taking omeprazole magnesium. People who experience allergic reactions to this drug should seek care as soon as possible. Some signs of allergic reaction to omeprazole magnesium are urticaria, rash, abnormal swelling and itching.

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